Blogger Biography
About Victor

A longtime journalist, advocate and policy analyst, Victor Schaffner joined UD’s Center for Disabilities Studies as its director of communications and advocacy in 2013. Victor launched the Inclusion blog to engage the disability community, public and policy makers in a provocative discussion of issues with the potential to bring about positive changes in the lives of people with disabilities.
Before arriving at CDS, Victor was vice president of policy and outreach with the FloridaNEXT Foundation, a senior editorial writer with the Orlando Sentinel, editorial page editor of The Ann Arbor News, assistant metro editor at The Courier-Journal in Louisville, and the editor of Empire State Report magazine in Albany, N.Y. His began his reporting career in Chicago, his home town.
The author of editorials, blog posts, columns and op-eds spanning disability and non-disability related subjects, Victor’s many honors include the 2010 Florida Society of Professional Journalists’ First Place Award for editorials, the Peter Lisagor First Place Award for public service reporting, and Associated Press and SPJ awards for editorial writing and education reporting.
Victor lives with his wife, an artist, and his daughter, who has special needs, in Chester County, Pa.