Posted on November 22, 2016
More than a month after Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton, the disability community shows little sign of letting go of its grief and fear and no wonder.
In Clinton, the community heard a candidate who took turns applauding people with disabilities (they’ve “changed things for the better in our country”) and advocating for them (they’re “too often invisible, overlooked and undervalued”).
She promoted a plan designed to push states to require health coverage for autism services in private insurance plans,
This entry was posted in autism, civil rights, community living, developmental disabilities, diversity, employment, inclusion, people with disabilities, physical disabilities, politics, public policy, subminimum wage, transportation, Uncategorized and tagged American Association of People With Disabilities, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, disability community, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, IDEA funding, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, National Council on Independent Living, New York Times, Rehabilitation Act, Serge Kovaleski.
Posted on February 25, 2016
Question: How many times in the 15 debates for president have moderators specifically asked candidates about issues concerning disability?
a. 1 b. 5 c. 7 d. 11
If you answered b or c, thinking five or seven times sounds about right and should seem reasonable to the one-in-five people watching the debates who have a disability (and the more than 50 million Americans who live with a disability), you’re mistaken. The answer is “a” – one time. In September,
This entry was posted in accessibility, Americans with Disabilities Act, autism, Education, employment, Health and Wellness, inclusion, people with disabilities, public policy, Uncategorized and tagged Alzheimer's, autism, Ben Carson, Bernie Sanders, Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Jeb Bush, John Kasich, Marco Rubio, presidential debates, Social Security Disability Insurance Program, Ted Cruz, Tom Harkin.