Posted on February 25, 2016
Question: How many times in the 15 debates for president have moderators specifically asked candidates about issues concerning disability?
a. 1 b. 5 c. 7 d. 11
If you answered b or c, thinking five or seven times sounds about right and should seem reasonable to the one-in-five people watching the debates who have a disability (and the more than 50 million Americans who live with a disability), you’re mistaken. The answer is “a” – one time. In September,
This entry was posted in accessibility, Americans with Disabilities Act, autism, Education, employment, Health and Wellness, inclusion, people with disabilities, public policy, Uncategorized and tagged Alzheimer's, autism, Ben Carson, Bernie Sanders, Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Jeb Bush, John Kasich, Marco Rubio, presidential debates, Social Security Disability Insurance Program, Ted Cruz, Tom Harkin.
Posted on July 23, 2015
If only events like the one last Wednesday at the University of Delaware happened more often, and at far more institutions of higher learning. That day, young adults with intellectual disabilities and their families attended a student orientation for UD’s Career & Life Studies Certificate (CLSC) program, where the young adults learned how they would soon get the opportunity to extend their academic knowledge, sharpen their skills to live more autonomously, and refine their life and career goals.
Unfortunately, though,
This entry was posted in Education, inclusion, intellectual Disabilities, people with disabilities, Uncategorized and tagged Career and Life Studies Certificate (CLSC) program, disability, Higher Education Affordability Act, Higher Education Opportunity Act, inclusion, individuals with disabilities, intellectual disabilities, President Obama, Tom Harkin, University of Delaware.